Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Black Tea

Black tea is less famous compared to Green Tea, whereas black tea is one type of processed tea leaves that is no less beneficial for health.

Green tea and black tea are made from the leaves of a tea plant which is a shrub with the Latin name Camellia Sinesis. However, different processing methods make them have different appearance, especially in terms of color. Black tea contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that are useful for the body to clean toxins.

Besides wilting, rolled and heated leaves, black tea leaves are fermented before the final heating process. Below are 11 health benefits of drinking a cup or two of black tea regularly, although it should be noted that it is recommended that black tea should be consumed without additives such as milk or sugar to really feel the benefits.

1. Oral Health
A study funded by the Tea Trade Health Research Association shows that black tea reduces plaque formation and limits the growth of bacteria that encourage the formation of cavities and damaged teeth. The polyphenols found in black tea kill and pass through cavity-causing bacteria and inhibit the growth of bacterial enzymes that form sticky material that binds plaque to our teeth.
2. A Better Heart
As identified by Arab L. et al. in their 2009 research paper called "green and black tea consumption and stroke risk: a meta-analysis", it was seen that regardless of the country of origin of people, individuals who consumed 3 or more cups of tea had a 21% lower risk of stroke than people who consumed less than 1 cup of green or black tea per day.
3. Antioxidants
Black tea contains polyphenols, which are also antioxidants that help block DNA damage associated with tobacco or other toxic chemicals. These antioxidants are different from those obtained from fruits and vegetables and therefore as a routine part of our diet, they can provide additional benefits to a healthy lifestyle.
4. Cancer Prevention
Although more research is needed to confidently suggest cancer prevention techniques, several years of research have shown that antioxidants such as polyphenols and catechins in tea can help prevent certain types of cancer. It has been suggested that women who drink black tea regularly have a lower chance of developing ovarian cancer than their friends.
5. Healthy Bones
It has also been suggested that tea drinkers can have stronger bones and a lower likelihood of developing arthritis due to the phytochemicals found in tea.
6. Reducing the Risk of Diabetes
Based on research conducted on elderly people living on the Mediterranean islands it was found that people who had consumed black tea on a long term basis at moderate levels (ie 1-2 cups a day) had a 70% lower chance of having or developing type 2 diabetes
7. Relieve stress
We are all aware and experienced about the benefits of black tea that is soothing and relaxing. Research shows that the amino acid L-theanine found in black tea can help you relax and concentrate better. Black tea has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol when taken in moderation
8. Better Immune System
Black tea contains alkylamine antigens which help improve our body's immune response. It also contains tannins which have the ability to fight viruses and therefore keep us protected from influenza, stomach flu and other viruses commonly found in our daily lives.
9. Healthy Digestive Tract
Apart from increasing your immune system, tannins also have a therapeutic effect on stomach and intestinal diseases and also help reduce digestive activity.
10. Energy Enhancement

Unlike other drinks that have relatively higher caffeine content, a low amount of caffeine in tea can help increase blood flow to the brain without overly stimulating the heart. It also stimulates metabolism and the respiratory system, as well as the heart and kidneys.
11. Happiness factor
A perfect cup of tea can make your heart happy and pamper your body

Another important thing to note is how to brew the tea properly. This is so that the tea you drink is more delicious and get the maximum benefits of tea.
Prepare a cup or glass that should be made of ceramic. Avoid containers made of metal, because the smell and taste will stick to the tea water.

If the tea is powder or powder, take about one spoonful, then sprinkle it into a cup. But if the tea bag-shaped or type of tea bag, just enter one bag into it.

Pour about 200 ml - 220 ml of hot / boiling water into a glass or cup in a circular motion, to produce an even brewing process. Black tea requires a high temperature in brewing to remove the ingredients inside it to the maximum.

Let the tea stand for three to five minutes, until the juice in the tea comes out and dissolves completely. Do not leave more than five minutes or too long, because the tea will be too thick and bitter.

Filter tea pulp using a small strainer, so as not to leave the remaining powder.

Stir and drink tea while still warm with the occasional inhaled fragrant tea aroma, so it can be soothing and more relaxed.

It's good to consume tea without adding sugar, especially if you have diabetes. We recommend choosing the recommended sweetener. And for those of you who want to enjoy other flavor combinations in tea, you can add honey, juice or chunks of lemon, even some lychee seeds.
When is the Best Time to Enjoy Black Tea?

The timing of drinking black tea is also a matter that must be considered. This is so the benefits of tea can work optimally. Here are some suggested times for drinking black tea.

An hour before or after eating

The time to avoid consuming tea is when the stomach is empty. This is because it can trigger an increase in stomach acid production, and dehydration caused by the caffeine content in tea.

So it would be nice to drink tea one hour after eating. If the tea is consumed directly after eating, then the process of absorption of nutrients will be hampered. You can also consume tea one hour before eating, with a note that your stomach is not completely empty.

Before sleeping

For those of you who want to try losing weight, then you should consume tea one hour before going to bed at night. Thus tea can help the process of burning fat in the body when you fall asleep. It also can improve sleep quality, because it provides a sense of relax.

All day

Drinking tea all day is fine, as long as the levels are little by little. This is intended to detect fluids in the body. In this way the body will more easily process the ingredients contained in tea.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

AKAR BAJAKAH, Need Scientific Evidence

To be a cure for cancer, Akar Bajakah still needs scientific proof, especially in the medical field. Some scientists and nutritionists in Indonesia criticize the discovery of cancer drugs from akar bajakah studied by high school students in Central Kalimantan, precisely in the city of Palangkaraya. Akar Bajakah is tested on mice, while trials on mice and humans are different. So far the only claim to cure cancer by drinking the root of piracy is only a few people. So it is not a strong claim that some people used as the basis for claims of "success" action or treatment. A testimonial is a testimony based on individual experience. It can be said that Testimonials are very fragile and cannot be accounted for as being able to represent all populations. An experience is very biased. What is good and right for someone is not necessarily good and right for others.
the medical field based its knowledge with clinical trials and proof based on scientific methodology. On that basis, the required test subjects must be homogeneous and not only sourced from one trial sample. This is what is called evidence based. Then what is evidence based medicine? Evidence based medicine is an approach to medical practice intended to optimize decision-making by emphasizing the use of evidence from well-designed and well-conducted research.
The medical field based its knowledge with evidence based. That is, claims of truth must be through testing, verification, according to the rules of scientific methodology. The number of subjects, samples, is calculated according to the type of study. Evidence based medicine also has a hierarchy.
Not all types of studies have the same value. So, expert opinion alone is still weak.
Efficacy of akar bajakah as a cancer drug takes a long or long process to ascertain the true benefits of cancer treatment in humans. However, we can hope that the initial findings and tests conducted by the two students are indeed true, and can be continued until they are realized in human breast cancer.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Smallpox is an infectious disease caused by the monkey pox virus that can occur in certain animals including humans. Symptoms begin with fever, headaches, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes and fatigue.

Smallpox are most commonly found in Central Africa and West Africa.

Picture Of SmallPox Virus
In the 1890s, Siberia contracted a large-scale smallpox epidemic. Hundreds of infected bodies were buried under the permafrost layer next to the Kolyma River.

After more than a hundred years, river puddles - accelerated by melting ice sheets - have now begun to erode the edges where the bodies were buried.

A research team acquired and reassembled the entire genome DNA sequence from the body of a child who died in the 17th Century, confirming that smallpox or smallpox monkey has not been eradicated from this planet, only from its surface.

In 1980, just a few months after the last death case, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that Smallpox had been eradicated.

At present, the only "official" parent virus can be found in only two places, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, and at VECTOR near Novosibirsk, Russia.

However, another parent was discovered in Bethesda, Maryland in 2014, for no apparent reason. In addition, this virus is considered a bioterrorism agent.
SmallPox Treatment

Smallpox treatment is done to relieve the symptoms that appear. The doctor will give paracetamol to relieve fever and pain, and ask the patient to rest to speed up the healing process.

In addition, sufferers are also encouraged to consume lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk, and grains as energy intake to fight infection.

A Child with SmallPox 
Smallpox disease can spread from person to person, although the spread in this way is limited, and 1 in 10 sufferers are at risk of death. Therefore, patients need to be treated in isolation to get monitoring from a doctor and prevent the spread of disease.

Until now, there has been no treatment for Smallpox. Smallpox can heal itself with resistance from the sufferer's immune system.

SmallPox Prevention

The main prevention of smallpox  is to avoid direct contact with primates and rodents, such as monkeys and squirrels, or people who are infected. In addition, several other preventive steps that can be taken are:

Be diligent in washing your hands with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially before eating, touching your nose or eyes, and cleaning wounds.

Avoid sharing cutlery or using the same bed linen with people infected with Smallpox.


Bajakah is a typical plant of Central Kalimantan which has long been used as a cancer cure for generations by the ancestors of the Dayak tribe. This plant has always been mystically identified, but from the results of laboratory tests that have proven to contain 40 kinds of cancer-healing substances including saponins, phenolics, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, and alkonoids. The tannin and plafonoid compounds play a role by releasing hydroxyl compounds which will bind to the cancer compound, so that it can inhibit cancer growth.
Bajakah cannot be cultivated because their contents will subside with pirate plants that grow in their natural habitat. This plant grows in the interior peatlands of Kalimantan and has a form of sticks out. Garnish grows by propagating until it reaches a height of 5 meters on another tree that it propagates.
One of the factors that make a tree plantable cannot be cultivated because it only grows in lush locations where there is little sunlight because it is covered by lush forests. If it is cultivated, the contents will have different structures and different substances.
Bajakah root has been proven to cure cancer in some Dayak tribes, even stage 4 cancer can be completely cured after drinking this boiled root water regularly.

How to consume pirated roots:

1. Dry the Bajakah root by drying in the sun
2. Pounded with a mashing tool or can be blended
3. boil 1 gram of Bajakah root with 500 milliliters of water for 30 minutes
4. Bajakah roots ready to be drunk

Monday, February 27, 2017


Vertigo is a disease that occurs due to the body's equilibrium disturbed, among others due to lack of 02 (oxygen) to the brain or the presence of neurological disorders, among others ears with the head (brain). Triggers of vertigo include: '- Too often a good ear cleaning with cotton butt or the other. '- Likes staying up late, lack of sleep the night '- Avoid fatty foods, meats, cheeses, etc. Simple and accurate way to quickly reduce dizzy with vertigo: 1. Sleep and eye pejamkam 2. The head should not move 3. Massage left lobe - right until the pain goes away 4. pull the ear horizontally, repeat several times until the pain goes away 5. Inhale dalam2 and remove pelan2 did several times 6. Massage in the ear can be repeated until the pain disappeared altogether 7. All these movements can prevent and detect early symptoms of vertigo 8. Fix lifestyle with adequate rest 9. advised to sleep the night before 22.00 Here is a natural menu to reduce vertigo symptoms without side effects: '- Spinach '- Garlic '- Paprika '- Ginger '- Freshwater fish '-White Egg '-mEngkudu '- Bananas '- Various citrus fruits (Orange Lemon, Lime, Grape, etc.) '- Avocado '- Peanut butter Gymnastics Therapy Vertigo '- Stand up straight, eyes open and then close, do 5 times '- Move your head spin, attach the chin to the chest, turn your head to the left, and turn towards the right, do 3 times '- Train movements head tilted, with the tilt of the left ear to the left shoulder, lasting up to 15 seconds, then do the opposite ear. Repeat every ear masing2 3 X '- Sit with your back straight and your eyes open, then stood. Upon standing, close your eyes and repeat 3 X '- Train eyeball movement to the right and to the left horizontally with your eyes open, repeated in every direction masing2 3 times '-and Then proceed to move the eyeball upwards dank e down vertically, repeat in each direction three times masing2 '- Did practice with the eye muscles follow where the object is moving, eyes focused on stationary objects

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The benefit of leaves Keji Beling

In Indonesia this leaf was called KEJI BELING.  Keji Beling is one shrub has a height of approximately 1 to 2 meters. Common characteristics of this plant is to have a notched rod with a round shape and the rough-haired. Plants Keji Beling spread in various regions in Madagascar and Indonesia and can grow well at a height of about 50-1200 masl. Fertile soil such as in rural areas is a very suitable place for breeding of plants this Keji Beling.

Keji Beling is a medicinal plant that has many health benefits, these plants are typically used as medicine tradsional to overcome various health problems such as kidney stones and also diuretic. Not only that leaves Keji Beling is known also to treat various diseases including diabetes.
Leaves Keji Beling contains potassium which have benefits for dissolving rock formed from calcium oxalate salt in the gall bladder, bladder, and kidney, so it is not wrong if it leaves Keji Beling is often used as a traditional medicine to overcome these health problems.

1. Helps to treat cancer. Leaves Keji Beling is known to be toxic to cancer cells without damaging healthy cells. although it leaves Keji Beling can be used as traditional cancer drugs but more medically handlers are needed for cancer patients rather than relying on the traditional way of plant nasty shard.
2. Preventing cancer. In addition to treating cancer leaves Keji Beling known to also have a protective effect against cancer, it is because of this plant contain high levels of antioxidants which can counteract the bad effects of free radicals which is one of the causes of cancer.

3. Overcoming diarrhea. Leaves Keji Beling can cope with a variety of disorders associated with gastrointestinal, such as diarrhea. How to use is: Take some leaves Keji Beling  then boiled with 2 cups of water, wait until the water is left until the half. If this ingredient has cooled you can drink for troubleshooting your diarrhea.
4. Smooth urination. Take about 4-6 leaves Keji Beling that had previously been washed, boiled in 3 cups of water about 20 minutes and a half hour. Let stand until cool cooking water and then you can drink 2 times a day.

5. Destroy gallstones. Gallstones are formed from a biochemical process involving the bile pigments, calcium, and cholesterol. Completely located on the bladder or bile ducts. Ways of making potions from leaves Keji Beling to destroy gallstones are: prepare about 5-6 leaves nasty shard and 2 cups of water. The second material is then boiled in a pot, wait until the water remaining half. After a cold drink the concoction twice a day.

SUWUK : Javanese Traditional Medicine Society in Modern Era

what is the treatment suwuk? We ought to plunge advance into techniques for standard medication through the investigation of human sciences, especially the branch of restorative humanities.

Suwuk is an ordinary solution that has since a long time back existed in the town Jatiarjo, Prigen, Pasuruan. People living in commonplace tourism goals Taman Safari Indonesia II is up 'til now using traditional treatment suwuk as a treatment elective. Eventually, the common suwuk implanted as a mantra in every treatment.

Suwuk treatment performed by a shaman in which one of the traits quack treatment is the usage of petitions or readings, water filled rapalan supplications and blends from plants. A wide arrangement of illnesses persisted by the overall public can be managed through suwuk.

In context of remedial humanities, the particular term Etnomedisin the feelings and chips away at relating to the sickness and is the delayed consequence of the progression of neighborhood culture and express that does not begin from the connected arrangement of current medication. A system for treatment is solidly related to how stable and crippled people get it. The explanation behind the disease is secluded into two sorts of people:

To begin with, the ailment brought on by personalistic remedial systems, the disease realized by the mediation of a dynamic administrator as phenomenal creatures (supernatural animals, nebulous visions, spirits, divine creatures) atupun of human root, for instance, witches and performers,

Second, a contamination achieved by structures of restorative naturalistic, ie, the infection can be cleared up with the terms of systemic and the torment is made by a disparity in the human body, for instance, warm, chilly, body fluids (amusingness or dosha), yin and yang, so that the body ends up being wiped out. Suwuk customary medication can not be denied will likely cure ailments achieved by things personalistic.

Taking all things into account, what treatment Jatiarjo suwuk gather living on the grades of Mount Arjuna this?

a father treat her baby by rubbing herbs

Basically, amid the time spent this suwuk standard pharmaceutical, shaman will make the method contains two phases: to begin with, the shaman will dissect the patient at first, second, use of the methodology for treatment for this circumstance suwuk treatment techniques.

In Jatiarjo, how to break down a patient by botanists suwuk ought to be conceivable in a couple of techniques. Such frameworks and moreover a back rub in zones toes and hands, examination of the patient's helpful report, the use of legacy things (eg a blade), to the interior correspondence between the shaman with the town monitor where patients come. The entire discovering frameworks are performed by one or a blend of the shaman.

Subsequent to discovering frameworks, the accompanying step is the usage of methods for treatment suwuk. Treatment suwuk in Jatiarjo performed in mix with other treatment methodology, for instance, back rub and normal manifestations Award. Once known disorder, patients can be cured through the procedure of back rub using oils whisik. There are similarly patients who were given a blend made of herbs are blended and nitty gritty his own healer.

Other than herbs are eaten up by the patient, the herb can in like manner be rubbed (rest) in the body of the wiped out. The entire treatment handle either a back rub or blends created utilizing regular Award was coordinated while left behind the shaman. Rapalan petitions were in like manner figured out how to the patient fit as a fiddle as Arabic works were created dilembaran paper.

Suwuk treatment with a blend of home developed fixings, for example, used by Mr. Kamin while treating patients Vina, a five-month-old tyke who persevered through warm disease. Mix of herbs contains ground Dringu (Zingiber) which diusapkan (rest) on the newborn child. Honestly, not only the treated infant youngsters, a blend of herbs and what's more a glass of water that has been given a supplication was also eaten up by the mother.

a glass of water that has been prayed

There are three fundamental parts in a system of treatment to be particular: the prescription itself, spells, and as demonstrated by Malinowski, an unmistakable figure human reviews, is the condition or the limit of the drug. In Java, parts of pharmaceutical rigging conditions be seen as a crucial segment. This is the reason that standard medications, for instance, suwuk exceptional and still be a plausibility for people in Jatiarjo.

Calm stuff even this condition is shown by a perspective of assurance in the midst of the treatment strategy. In addition, the shaman acknowledges if the recovery is felt not simply by the limit of the patient himself, however reliably the will of God Almighty. "Makane iku carafe, carafe berangkate without question" said Mr. Kamin.

As to manner and condition of these solutions may be deductively illuminated as a segment of recommendation that occur amid the time spent standard remedy. The sufficiency of standard pharmaceuticals truly lies in their proposition of segments that occur in the midst of the treatment technique.

The proposition begins from certainty healer and the patient. Furthermore, the suggestion was made to give Unen-Unen (comments, proposition) in patients who by and large irrefutably or explicitly. Media water, request of and home developed pharmaceuticals into attempts to upgrade tolerant suggestion about patching.

Along these lines, standard arrangement suwuk in Jatiarjo still have a place in the hearts of the all inclusive community as one piilihan treatment despite attractive restorative workplaces. To make certain customary medication is a kind of goodness and lavishness of Indonesian culture is still seen today.

Standard medicine moreover accept a basic part in the change of national nationality, since he symbolizes the past state and a strange condition of culture some time recently. Not simply medicate has a place with the all inclusive community of Java, yet it fuses a wealth of ethnic grouped qualities in Indonesia, in light of the fact that regardless of the different techniques for treatment, however recovering is the goal.
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Monday, February 13, 2017

Advantages of Turmeric Herbal Acid For Beauty

- Diligent expend customary home grown pharmaceutical consistently is unquestionably more secure than medications - drugs that contain chemicals. Conventional utilization of home grown solution materials - regular materials and prepared customarily, with no additives that are unsafe to ensure more secure. Actually we can make your own conventional fixings to keep up our wellbeing and excellence. Customary home grown prescription is most straightforward to make their own home one of them is turmeric corrosive.

Jamu corrosive turmeric has many advantages for both ladies and men. This is on the grounds that the substance of turmeric which is one of the Indonesian characteristic flavors that contain many advantages include:

 In turmeric contains minerals, for example, press, magnesium, sodium, potassium, aluminum, cobalt and bismuth. There is likewise a compound Dammar substances, Glucose, fructose and the dynamic substance of the compound arabinusa

 The substance of vitamin An and C are useful for sound skin and eyes

 Turmeric contains fundamental oils that are useful for wellbeing. Basic oil contains Fenilpropana turmeron, betaturmenon, aryl Kurmen, Zingberin and kurlon kurkumol as a mitigating, hostile to infection and others - others

 Turmeric contains a compound additionally incorporate dihydro Heptanoid curcumin, curcumin, bisdesmetok sirkukumin

The measure of minerals and exacerbates that are valuable in making herbs turmeric, tamarind turmeric has many advantages. Here are the advantages we get from expending herbs turmeric, tamarind:

Get thinner

Devouring herbs turmeric, tamarind routinely could really diminish weight normally. This is on account of the measure of supplements and minerals in turmeric, which can smother hunger with the goal that we would prefer not to devour overabundance sugars that cause weight pick up.

Dispose of poisons in the body

Jamu corrosive turmeric is likewise valuable to evacuate poisons development in the body. These poisons can be acquired from the medications - drugs that are expended or sustenances that are inconvenient to the body. By industriously taking herbs turmeric, tamarind, these poisons will be discharged through dung.

curing Strep

In case we're experiencing a sore throat or indigestion, corrosive turmeric home grown drink this twice per day. This corrosive turmeric natural pharmaceutical can cure strep throat for good mitigating that is contained in turmeric.

Propelled the menstrual cycle

For young ladies, require drinking home grown turmeric this corrosive so as to smooth her menstrual cycle. Other than could dispatch the menstrual cycle, herbs turmeric these acids can likewise alleviate menstrual torment and revive the body.

Keeping up Healthy Skin

The substance of vitamins An and C and in addition other substance in turmeric can keep up the soundness of our skin to be cleaner radiant. For young people who have skin break out inclined skin issues, devour herbs turmeric routinely corrosive for skin break out vanish and your skin is perfect sparkle.

Take out personal stench

Fundamental oil content in turmeric can wipe out unpalatable personal stench. Notwithstanding controlling inordinate sweat generation in the body, turmeric likewise battles microbes that cause stench.

As an energetic medication

Common excellence privileged insights antiquated royal residence princess is persistently taking home grown pharmaceutical, including herbs turmeric this corrosive. Along these lines, it doesn't hurt us excessively constant drink it, so that we likewise advantage skin young.


Did you know that the benefits of lemon it very much and very profitable? The genus Citrus (citrus family) are known to be rich in benefits that are similar to one another, but actually also has a specific benefits of each. This is because the percentage of each type of citrus nutritional content vary. Lemon may include citrus varieties consumed much less compared to other citrus fruits, this may be because the price is quite expensive.

Eating citrus lemon has a very good for health, can prevent various diseases, and can also be used as a natural treatment for various diseases. In fact, this fruit can be used to help weight loss diet. Here are reviews more.

What are the Benefits of Orange Lemon Essential to Your Health?
According to the USDA, one lemon raw unpeeled (about 58 grams) contains 17 calories, 0.6 grams protein, 0.2 grams of fat and 5.4 grams of carbohydrates (including sugars and fiber). Lemons also contain a lot of vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. If you eat a lemon course of the day, your daily vitamin C needs are met. With so many varying nutritional content makes the lemon juice has many benefits for the body, such as the following:

Lowering the Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack
According to the American Heart Association, lemon juice benefits when consumed in sufficient quantities, and the routine is a lot can lower a woman's risk for a stroke of apoplexy. The research data they say that the group of women who consumed the lemon turned out to have a 19% lower risk of stroke than those who did not consume lemon. Lemon juice also reduces the risk of heart attack because of the benefits that can protect blood vessels from cholesterol accumulation.

Preventing Cancer
The disease of cancer is one type of disease that is dangerous and deadly. One of the causes of cancer in the body is due to the excessive free radicals and disrupt the body's systems. Lemons have lots of antioxidants (vitamin C), which can work to deter and neutralize free radicals that protect against cancer.

Maintaining Healthy Skin
Collagen, which is one of the constituent substances of human skin is affected by the levels of vitamin C in the body. The formation of collagen will get better and optimal when vitamin C in the body in adequate amounts. This means that the benefits of lemons are high in vitamin C will maintain healthy skin, reduce skin wrinkles and improve skin quality.

Help stabilize pH Body
The balance of acid and alkaline body is important for health. The study states that the body tends to acidic pH is not good for the body's metabolism. One of the other benefits of lemon juice is able to neutralize the excess acid in our body. Uniquely, the acidic nature of lemon will be converted into a base when it reached the stomach, so it can also be used for a natural cure heartburn. Unique properties of lemon is also beneficial to break up kidney stones.

Shortness of Breath or prevent asthma
Benefits of the lemon which is very useful for those who suffer from asthma. The risk of asthma could be prevented with adequate intake of vitamin C that the body needs. Research shows the vitamin C is quite turned rarer asthma attacks compared with those who did not take vitamin C regularly.
Improve Body Defense System
Foods that are high in vitamin C (one type of antioxidant that is most flattering) will optimize the immune system that helps us to be less susceptible to disease. Advised to eat lemon when the condition of the body was not fit, moderate physical activity is heavy and cold weather. It also can help heal minor aches sort of flu and colds, but if it had been taking medication, consult with a doctor if allowed to eat lemons at the time.
• Prevent Anemia
Lack of iron can cause anemia or a person affected by a lack of red blood cells. This iron is useful for the formation of red blood cells and is derived from the food we eat. Condition, iron we eat to be absorbed by intestinal cells in order to work in our bodies. Vitamin C in the lemon consumed before eating foods rich in iron will help the absorption of iron is optimal. So should you combine lemon with foods rich in iron, for example spinach.
• Lower Risk Exposure Arthritis / Rheumatism
Arthritis, also called Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease that causes joint pain and stiffness. In a penilitian mentioned that those who consume foods rich in vitamin C can reduce the risk of this disease by 3 times compared with those who rarely mengkonsusi foods rich in vitamin C.
Benefits for Orange Lemon Diet
Experts already agree that eating a lemon beneficial for weight loss. The sour fruit either be used to help achieve the ideal weight because it has many lucrative benefits. It is actually also similar to lemon. Utilizing lemon for weight loss you can do so by making infused water by mixing other fruits, or it could be enough to make the drink lemon sederharna.
• Smooth Metabolism and Helps Detoxify
Lemon water is taken in the morning before eating anything is good for our bodies. Of course, drinking lemon water is better not contain sugar and other sweeteners. The study mentioned that the condition of the body that tend acid is less than desirable for the body's metabolism. Properties of lemon which can neutralize this acid is very good to increase the rate of metabolism. Besides lemon will also help the detoxification process that helps remove useless and harmful substances from the body.
• Smooth Digestion
Consuming lemon in the morning is good for improving the digestive system. It is very good especially for those who suffer from constipation. Drinking lemon water in the morning and on an empty stomach can help facilitate bowel movements. Digestive system smoothly important to do weight loss program, this is because the absorption of nutrients from food can be optimized.
• Maintain Sense of Satiety
Lemons contain a substance called pectin. This has the effect of pectin substances to resist hunger and prolong the sensation of satiety. Drink with lemon juice every day will help you to maintain your portions. Moreover, lemon juice contains fewer calories and more fiber is beneficial to the diet.

The benefits were not a little lemon juice. Lemon has many useful functions that improve the health of the body, defending the body from disease and helps the immune system. In addition to the health sector, lemon also proved useful to aid weight loss program if taken every day because it can increase metabolism, regulate satiety and facilitate digestion.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Facts About Burning Headache

Many people suffer from this nuisance referred to as burning headache each day, in some cases which may even last for days. Burning headache isn't a medically recognized term if you were to appear around in medical journals and clinical documents, however it's just about ordinarily used. There area unit many alternative causes of burning headache, and totally {different|completely different} individuals have different components of the top that aches. Besides, there also are many alternative causes of this headache, a number of that we are going to be viewing these days. Different components of the top In several instances, burning headache is expounded to redness. in this case, the pain is sometimes on the frontal a part of the top, on the forehead, higher cheeks, and typically will even travel round the whole face. In alternative cases, this burning headache is caused by fever. In this, the pain is sometimes on each side of the forehead, that area unit the weakest points of sensitivity in our head. Causes As we've got already identified, the common reasons for burning headache would be fever, flu, and redness. In these cases, the pain is constant, and might be stinging and tingling, and to not mention burning. It will originate from any facet of the top, however sometimes when a short while it'll visit alternative areas additionally. Some individuals tend to induce thrusts of utmost pains. though medically there's no proof on what causes this fast rising within the burning headache symptoms, it's believed to be caused by beating nerves because of tension. Burning headache may also be caused by sure alternative reasons besides the on top of listed. These area unit additional serious cases like tumors or growth within the head. In such cases, the pain isn't constant just like the ones listed on top of, however comes on and off. The pain is sometimes violent, way stronger than those you get for fever, and to not forget; it pulsates usually. It is additionally believed that toxins and chemicals may also cause acute or burning headache. this can be pretty common to several individuals, particularly people who don't seem to be therefore favorable of freshly painted homes, chemical labs, and so on. On prime of those, even sure edible toxins and foods will cause burning headache, like alcohol, caffeine, and so on. Alcohol and caffein particularly, area unit believed to be causes of the many serious headaches that may cause the full head to ache severely, with the nerves being very finite. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Benefit of Durian Fruit For Human’s Health

Durian is one of fruit that has delicious flavour and the favourit fruit for almost people. The phisically character of durian is the sharp rind, the yellow color and has strong flavor.

Durian fruit also has many nutrients that benefit for human body like carbohidrat,protein, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Calsium, Calium, and very high fosfor

All those nutrient keep and maintain human body health and fit every day.

There are several benefit of durian fruit for human body :

1.       Durian Fruit can add energy instanly when we work hard and have many activities.

2.       Durian Fruit consist of Vitamin B6 that produce serotonin which can prevent Depression.

3.       Durian is good for teeth and bone healthy because of its Calsium and Calium

4.       Durian fruits have high vitamin C that is good for prevent free radicals and decrease aging process

5.       Durian fruit consist of zinc and folat that overcome anemia symptom.

Black Tea

Black tea is less famous compared to Green Tea, whereas black tea is one type of processed tea leaves that is no less beneficial for healt...